Mr. Mircea Ionescu Quintus stated publicly the National Liberal Party (PNL) will never give up „its traditions” and „its identity”, as these are „unchangeable values” of the party.
Are attacking and blocking the judiciary, having party members who collaborated with Securitate or were criminally convicted, the „tradition”, „identity” and „unchangeable” values of the National Liberal Party? In fact, for now and for many all these mean PNL.
So that the electorate understands, I ask:
1. Will PNL exclude its members who were criminally convicted or who were uncovered as collaborators of the Securitate?
2. Will PNL vote for the prosecutors’ requests for MP’s arrest, search or criminal investigation? Will PNL sanction those who vote against?
3. Will PNL adopt the Ethics code of the PDL, which provides, for example, for the exclusion from the party of the criminally convicted members and of those who collaborated with the Securitate?
I know that right-wing politics mean respecting the law and the judiciary; it means integrity and ethics in politics; it means anticorruption so that people are no longer humiliated and the business environment, the fair competition and the peoples’ jobs are no longer undermined by corruption. Political „Right” means also truth, belief and repentance when one errs. It also means loving one’s country more than loving oneself.
I did not quite hear anything about all these from the PNL. But maybe they will affirm them, publicly, loud and clear, so that we all hear. Upon this kind of principles, yes, we can create a united, credible and powerful political right-wing construction.
„Fostul primar al Clujului, Sorin Apostu, a fost condamnat, luni, la 4 ani şi 6 luni de închisoare cu executare în dosarul în care este acuzat de fapte de corupţie, decizia fiind definitiva”
In sfarsit , un mare rau a iesit din societate.
Justitia a demonstrat ca poate sa isi faca datoria ! 🙂