Dragnea is everywhere: he dictates, PSD & ALDE are obedient.
Dragnea does everything these days to fill the public agenda with topics other than those he is most interested in: the subordination of justice, including the change of the general prosecutor, the amnesty and the pardon, blocking the investigation in the case of the 10 August protest.
- Dragnea recently announced that a referendum will be held in October to redefine the family. The Senate, the decisional chamber, has immediately put the subject on the agenda and adopted the proposal. Dragnea’s target to keep the public opinion busy with a debate that could wait, was achived. Unfortunately, they were also liberal senators who pleased Dragnea. The plan to divide the society, now when Romanians understood the danger and are united more than ever, is the next step.
- Dragnea recently announced that „information” would appear that the protests in Romania were „externally funded”. „Information” has appeared on Dragnea’s home television, but for PSD it does not matter that the person who was registered as proof of „external funding” denies this information and says everything is „a big mess.” I mean, these are fabricated evidence. Dragnea needed „evidence” to get PSD to investigate foreign funding for protests on August 10th. Carmen Dan has already announced she has also notified DIICOT, even though she has no information that protests have been funded from abroad. Is it an attempt, to move the whole file, of the violent repression of the August 10th protest, from the General Prosecutor’s Office and to DIICOT, which has a new leadership chosen by Toader?
Dragnea succeeded to control not only the Government and the parliamentary majority, but also institutions in the judiciary, through Toader, who can no longer be called the Minister of Justice, but of the PSD & ALDE toxic coalition. Dragnea will control a country if he is not stopped and its power levers will not be taken from him. The Romanians must remain united in the face of the real danger – the absolute power exerted by Dragnea – and not be drawn into the traps of a criminal convict.
foto: revista 22