PSD & Dragnea think of another form of amnesty, they want to master the country, they want nobody and nothing to in their way.
Why is a mandatory opinion of some ministries on a normative act, important:
An EGO drafted for criminals to escape justice, for example, may not obtain an opinion from the Ministry of Justice because it would increase criminality, and may be blocked in the Government.
A GD project designed to benefit a politician’s business or a political friend may be blocked if a ministry involved in the endorsement does not endorse it.
An ordinance drafted to suppress freedom of expression and to establish censorship can be blocked for lack of opinion.
In addition, the opinions are drafted by specialists from ministries, often civil servants, not politically involved, respecting the law, and not the political interest of a minister.
For example, a lawyer in the ministry can say black on white to Dragnea & PSD that an EGO for „Protocols to be cancelled, evidence from files to be cancelled and their effects cancelled” is the fantasy of offenders, not a valid legal argument. Only one judge can decide whether the evidence in a file has been or has not been tampered with, by a protocol between the institutions and can be annulled on a case-by-case basis. What Dragnea & PSD want to do is another form of amnesty, especially designed for him, for politicians with criminal files and their criminals friends.
Dragnea & PSD’s announcement that they want to abolish mandatory ministries’ endorsements, means, adoption of Government Emergency Orders and Government Decisions without any hindrance, being the expression of their ardent desire to eliminate everything that can stop them and block their projects against national interest. Dragnea & PSD’s goal is: Romania, absolute dictatorship.