We want the truth! I ask the Interior Minister to declassify all the documents and videos with gendarmerie interventions on 10 August 2018. Then, she must resign!
We want the truth about the violent intervention of the gendarmes, which has resulted in the wounding of over 450 peaceful protestors and nearly 800 complaints to the prosecutor’s office.
Carmen Dan has only one reason to keep these evidence classified: to hide the real offenders, those who gave order, have premeditated and coordinated the action of suppressing the 10 August protest, hampering and blocking the prosecutors’ investigation. There are already public statements by some PSD members that Minister Dan does not act without consulting the convict Dragnea.
The month that passed from the violence against the peaceful protesters in Victoriei Square was used by Dragnea and Dan to cover their traces. This must stop! Many public statements are pointing at them.
I ask the Minister of the Interior to declassify the documents and records of the gendarmes and resign. The debate on the simple motion against Minister Dan, today in the Parliament, is the right opportunity to announce her resignation and stop blocking the prosecutors’ investigation.
Foto: Inquam Photos / Octav Ganea